
Re-imaging Indian Universities – Learning from the Glorious Past

by Gyanvitaranam

   Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan in his thought provoking and scholarly article, “Re-imaging Indian Universities: Learning from the Glorious Past,” has succinctly brought out the inherent ethos of the Ancient Higher Education system which has over a period of time provided the much needed panacea to the existing maladies faced by Higher Education in the country, today.

   In his inimitable style, he has vividly visualised the changes the Higher Education system has gone through over a period of time and the inter-connect where-in, the rich experiences of times of yore can provide the goals and directions to the contextual challenges faced by the Higher Educational scenario today. In a nutshell, the article reveals the open-mindedness and progressive thinking of our ancient thinkers and teachers.

    The article emphasises on taking ‘cue from the past’ and truly passes through the path of progressiveness reminding....

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