Communication is an art and a science too. Communication plays a vital role in our lives, not just in the lives of individuals but even among nations. But no communication is perfect. This is a sad and harsh reality. It is bound to fail, has failed miserably in the past and will fail in the future. Miscommunication is the norm, perfection is an exception.
Communication may be oral or written; even by gestures or by body language, tone and tenor and intonation. You communicate by a nod, or even by your silence. Silence was considered acceptance. But not in every case this is true.
“It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood”. Misunderstandings happen not only because of language or cultural barriers but also because of prejudices and mindsets. We prejudge people and in many cases whatever they do is mistaken. The eternal mother-in-law - daughter-inlaw feud, the difference of opinions between mother....