
The fascinating world of Cyborg insects

by Gyanvitaranam

Insects are the most successful creatures on our planet. Scientists have observed insects when designing robots, anticipating the knowledge of millions of years of evolution.

   Instead of attempting to produce complex robots that mimic the insect form, Researchers have hijacked bugs to turn them into robots. These cyborg insects have varied uses, from spying to search-and-rescue missions. Cyborg insects have a number of disadvantages compared to actual robots, such as limited life spans.

   The advantage is that they have ready-made platforms, avoiding the necessity of making a lot of small parts. They also use less power than comparable robots. One big advantage is that the insect cyborg can overcome obstructions by itself.

Why are insects such great contenders to become cyborgs?

   For one thing, insects move with a method of locomotion that’s as advanced as most mammals. The counterparts in the control....

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