
Can Money Really Buy You Happiness?

by Gyanvitaranam

    The idea that money can’t buy you happiness is one of the world’s most persistent tropes. King Midas is granted his wish that everything he touches will turn into gold only to starve to death.

    It is better to be a happy peasant than a miserable king who has no hopes left in life whatsoever. We can all produce numerous examples of rich people who were ruined by horrible divorces or poor people who spend their lives doing what they love.

    Over recent decades both economists and psychologists have embarked on a rigorous study of happiness or “well-being”. Their work not only explodes the myth of happy peasants and miserable millionaires but also suggests that there may be no upper limit to the happiness that wealth can bring.

The Power of Money

ƒ Money can help with basic needs

Money can help alleviate stress and improve life....

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