
Thoughts on investing

by Gyanvitaranam


   An individual can earn income through working and/ or it can also be gained from assets owned. And that income is partly spent and the rest saved for meeting future expenses. Instead of keeping the savings idle, an individual may use savings in order to get return on it in future – this is called investment. This investment means different things to different persons, like, if a person has advanced some money to another investment, it may be a loan which, may be considered his/her investment for a return, Or, if a person buys a consumer durables like washing machine for the flow of service, it may be his/her investment. But a potential investor must keep in mind that the return may come out to be less than initially expected. In short ‘investment is a choice by the individual to risk his/her saving with the hope to gain.’

Before the start

   For an individual to be successful at investing he/she needs to....

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