
GAGANYAAN Does it reflect Sarabhai’s vision?

by Gyanvitaranam

   Of all the projects of ISRO, Gaganyaan stands unique as it involves human activity in space, which calls for a new kind of technology, besides huge investment. It is a Rs. 10,000 Crore project. No doubt it boosts our technological image. But will it be a ‘grandiose’ scheme or a means to improve the lot of the common man?

   Gaganyaan—the Indian human space flight project—is now in mission mode. Is the project in line with Sarabhai’s vision of India in the use of space technology, as his emphasis was on its role in the betterment of people,which should not be confused with ‘grandiose’ schemes. Here is an analysis, based on the author’s interviews with Vikram Sarabhai, Arthur C. Clarke and Boris Yegorov, the first doctor-cosmonaut.

   First, let us see in brief the profile of the project. According to ISRO Chief, Dr. K. Sivan, it is designed to take three or seven astronauts who would....

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