
IndianOil Academic Scholarships

by Gyanvitaranam

   The application process for the Indian Oil scholarships for students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS & MBA courses on merit cum means basis is on. The public sector undertaking is offering 2000 scholarships for 10+/ITI studies and 600 for professional courses (Engineering-300, MBBS-200, & MBA100).Distribution of scholarships may be zone-wise based on “Number of students appeared for 12th Standard during 2011-12” and may be equitably distributed in the four zones viz. North, South, East & West.


    Students pursuing full time/ regular courses (not correspondence or distance mode) in these streams & studying in Schools/Colleges/ Institutions/Universities recognized by relevant authorities shall be eligible to apply for B. Tech, MBBS and MBA. For the two year 10+/ITI stream, students of 11th standard as well as those in the 1st year of 2 years ITI course are eligible to apply. Gross Joint income of the....

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