
Youth Participation in Politics - Will it change anything?

by Gyanvitaranam

    INDIA’S YOUTH HAS contributed significantly to the country’s economic growth. Access to the latest technology and the influence of global ideas has revolutionized the thought process of Indian youth, encouraging them to dream big. They also have a better understanding of what technology can deliver in a country where development in the Information & Communication Technology arena is helping to disseminate up-to-theminute information on everything under the sun and prodding the aspirations of hundreds of millions. However, while the Indian youth have proved their capabilities in most other avenues, they are yet to make a mark in politics. This is largely due to the fact that youth representation in politics is miniscule.

With such a large population of youngsters, isn’t there a need that this young segment of the population gets more representation and a more decisive say in the way this country is run? This is a very pertinent question....

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