
At the cross roads

by Gyanvitaranam

  We are at the cross roads all the time. Every decision entails, requires, demands choice and we make several decisions every day. The choices are many, manifold and technology has enlarged the scope and availability. There is variety, making the choice difficult.

  As Alwin Toffler put it, the choice is not just about light and light shades but about whole of life style, life style choices. How to live, what is important, what is ethical, moral/immoral/amoral, what is sustainable and what is not, what are the essentials/ non-essentials, what are the basics and fundamentals? What values? What goals, what path to attain the goals? There are dilemmas and trilemmas all the way. Every choice made has consequences, irreversible like an arrow leaving the bow, over which we have no control.

  It may not be always be a ‘to be or not to be’ decision, not existential, may be trivial and ordinary. Whether it is “nobler in the mind to....

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