
Cluster beans easy to grow

by Gyanvitaranam

    Cluster bean is an annual legume crop and one of the famous vegetables, popularly known as “Guar” in India, is commonly consumed but rarely grown in homesteads. Scientifically known as Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba, the plant is known for its nutritional, medicinal and industrial uses.

   Low Glycemic index and high fibre content makes it an excellent supplementary food for diabetic patients.The cluster beans are low in calories and decreases the blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. It is also a source of Iron, Phosphorous, Calcium and Vitamin C.

    The Popular varieties are Pusa Sadabahar, Pusamosam and Pusa Navbahar developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi. Local varieties are also available. The plant originated in North western region of India and in Pakistan and some parts of Africa. In India the plant is widely cultivated in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Year round availability of....

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