
Smart English Tips

by Gyanvitaranam

Slang terms

Hang-up = Frustration. Nix = Nothing. Nosh = Food. Junky = Drug addict. Conk out = Break down. Keep your pecker up = Keep your spirits up! Bloke = Man. Push-over = Something easy to do. Snazzy = Fashionable. Poppycock = Idle, senseless talk. Bangers = Sausages. Nuts! = Nonsense! Grog = Beer. Spunk = Spirit, pluck.


on fire = very attractive or sexy/very well; very enthusiastic.

— Look at those jetset people! Each one of them is just on fire.

— Firoz is on fire in his new job. He’ll get promoted in no time. on ice = in reserve.

— That’s a great idea, but we’ll have to put it on ice until we can afford to put it into action. on it = really good.

— Man, Ramesh is really on it! on tap = immediately available.

— I have just the kind of person you’re talking about on tap. on task = paying attention to the job at hand.

— I....

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