

by Gyanvitaranam

         I came across this word by accident. I was searching for something else and I stumbled upon this slang, meaning: “to travel in a purposeful manner to a vague destination”. It is a verb. There is seemingly a contradiction. The travel was purposeful; but the destination was vague.

    But it is not so; it is travel for the sake of travel. We have heard: Love for love’s sake; art for art’s sake. We can add, ‘life for life’s sake’. Should we search for any meaning for life, or by living it well to the best of our abilities and convictions, we may add meaning to life itself.

   “Life is the meaning of life. It is not anything outside life and it is not even necessarily any particular content of life. It is just life itself.” Life is a journey. We travel constantly, even when we work or sleep; time passes, we age and our journey continues consciously or....

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