
Life and livelihood

by Gyanvitaranam

   ‘Life’ is about the ideals, goals, the purpose, values, the meaning behind life and adding meaning to life, to know what Life is, the aspirations and the philosophy of life. The abstraction; the conceptual; the “Why”.

   ‘Livelihood’ is about our day-today life, the existence, the harsh realities, the fate, the job, earning etc., the mundane, the profane, the ‘How’.

  Both are interrelated at some level, for some people. Many do not think about the larger issues and are submerged in the nitty gritty and the nuts and bolts issues, the trivial and survival issues.

   As a teen-aged boy and as an young man (like any other teenager) I started my life with great ambitions, ideals, dreams. The biographies, the passages from the writings of great men, the poems, the parables, history gave us our models. Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Shakespeare, Milton, Vivekananda showed us the....

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